- Oct 28, 2018Building on Bedrock: The Structure of Home
Oct 28, 2018Building on Bedrock: The Structure of HomeBy: Marc SandersSeries: Welcome HomeAccording to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it. Let each one take care how he builds upon it. For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw—each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. If the work that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward. If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire.-1 Corinthians 3:10-15
- Oct 21, 2018All Good Things: The Result of Discipleship
Oct 21, 2018All Good Things: The Result of DiscipleshipBy: Marc SandersSeries: The Pilgrim's Path
A Song of Ascents.
Come, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who stand by night in the house of the Lord! Lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the Lord!
May the Lord bless you from Zion, he who made heaven and earth!Psalm 134 - Oct 14, 2018E Pluribus Unum: The Disciple in Community
Oct 14, 2018E Pluribus Unum: The Disciple in CommunityBy: Marc SandersSeries: The Pilgrim's Path
A Song of Ascents. Of David.
Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes! It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the Lord has commanded the blessing, life forevermore.-Psalm 133 - Oct 7, 2018Stopping By Church on a Sunday Morning: The Disciple’s Hope
Oct 7, 2018Stopping By Church on a Sunday Morning: The Disciple’s HopeBy: Marc SandersSeries: The Pilgrim's Path
A Song of Ascents.
Remember, O Lord, in David's favor, all the hardships he endured, how he swore to the Lord and vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob, “I will not enter my house or get into my bed, I will not give sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eyelids, until I find a place for the Lord, a dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob.”
Behold, we heard of it in Ephrathah; we found it in the fields of Jaar. “Let us go to his dwelling place; let us worship at his footstool!”
Arise, O Lord, and go to your resting place, you and the ark of your might. Let your priests be clothed with righteousness, and let your saints shout for joy. For the sake of your servant David, do not turn away the face of your anointed one.
The Lord swore to David a sure oath from which he will not turn back: “One of the sons of your body I will set on your throne. If your sons keep my covenant and my testimonies that I shall teach them, their sons also forever shall sit on your throne.”
For the Lord has chosen Zion; he has desired it for his dwelling place: “This is my resting place forever; here I will dwell, for I have desired it. I will abundantly bless her provisions; I will satisfy her poor with bread. Her priests I will clothe with salvation, and her saints will shout for joy. There I will make a horn to sprout for David; I have prepared a lamp for my anointed. His enemies I will clothe with shame, but on him his crown will shine.”Psalm 132 - Sep 30, 2018Heavy Loads: The Responsibility of Leadership
Sep 30, 2018Heavy Loads: The Responsibility of LeadershipBy: Marc SandersSeries: MiscellaneousAnd when he returned to Capernaum after some days, it was reported that he was at home. And many were gathered together, so that there was no more room, not even at the door. And he was preaching the word to them. And they came, bringing to him a paralytic carried by four men. And when they could not get near him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him, and when they had made an opening, they let down the bed on which the paralytic lay. And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Now some of the scribes were sitting there, questioning in their hearts, “Why does this man speak like that? He is blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” And immediately Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they thus questioned within themselves, said to them, “Why do you question these things in your hearts? Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise, take up your bed and walk’? But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—he said to the paralytic— “I say to you, rise, pick up your bed, and go home.” And he rose and immediately picked up his bed and went out before them all, so that they were all amazed and glorified God, saying, “We never saw anything like this!”-Mark 2:1-12
- Sep 23, 2018Granite Busters: The Disciple’s Legacy
Sep 23, 2018Granite Busters: The Disciple’s LegacyBy: Marc SandersSeries: The Pilgrim's Path
O Lord, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me. But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.
O Israel, hope in the Lord from this time forth and forevermore.-Psalm 131 - Sep 9, 2018Fuzzy Memories: The Disciple’s Great Need
Sep 9, 2018Fuzzy Memories: The Disciple’s Great NeedBy: Marc SandersSeries: The Pilgrim's Path
Psalm 130
1 Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord! 2 O Lord, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my pleas for mercy!
3 If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? 4 But with you there is forgiveness, that you may be feared.
5 I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope; 6 my soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning.
7 O Israel, hope in the Lord! For with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with him is plentiful redemption. 8 And he will redeem Israel from all his iniquities.
- Sep 2, 2018Snatching Victory: The Disciple in Crisis
Sep 2, 2018Snatching Victory: The Disciple in CrisisBy: Marc SandersSeries: The Pilgrim's PathPsalm 129“Greatly have they afflicted me from my youth”— let Israel now say— “Greatly have they afflicted me from my youth, yet they have not prevailed against me. The plowers plowed upon my back; they made long their furrows.” The Lord is righteous; he has cut the cords of the wicked. May all who hate Zion be put to shame and turned backward! Let them be like the grass on the housetops, which withers before it grows up, with which the reaper does not fill his hand nor the binder of sheaves his arms, nor do those who pass by say, “The blessing of the Lord be upon you! We bless you in the name of the Lord!”
- Aug 26, 2018Break Out The Tie Dye: The Disciple’s Calling
Aug 26, 2018Break Out The Tie Dye: The Disciple’s CallingBy: Marc SandersSeries: The Pilgrim's Path
1Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways! 2 You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.
3 Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table. 4 Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord.
5 The Lord bless you from Zion! May you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life! 6 May you see your children's children! Peace be upon Israel!
Psalm 128 - Aug 19, 2018Nighty Night: The Disciple’s Work or Maybe Rest
Aug 19, 2018Nighty Night: The Disciple’s Work or Maybe RestBy: Marc SandersSeries: The Pilgrim's Path
1 Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. 2 It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.
3 Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. 4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. 5 Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.
Psalm 127