Transworld Radio

Transworld Radio exists to assist the Church in fulfilling the command of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all peoples by using and making available mass media by proclaiming the Gospel of salvation to as many people as possible and instructing believers in biblical doctrine and daily Christ-like living. TWR began in 1954 from a radio station in Morocco and now reaches into 190 countries spreading the good news of Jesus in over 300 heart languages.
Central Asia
A significant number of people in Central Asia live in rural areas. Despite the geographic distances, they still seek to be connected with the world. For example, shepherds go to the high mountain areas and summer pastures with their flocks of sheep. Providing radios or media devices for shepherds and their families is a unique opportunity to share the gospel message in their heart languages.
Gift Option: A gift of $35 makes it possible to deliver a radio or media device full of Christian content to the remote areas of Central Asia.
The inhabitants of Puerto Fronciere, Paraguay, live in a vulnerable socioeconomic situation and lack spiritual leaders. They are exposed to the doctrinal influence of the Paraguayan People’s Army, a leftist guerrilla organization that operates in Paraguay. TWR Paraguay, in alliance with a local church led by Pastor Javier Bello, wants to reach these people with the message of hope in the Guarani language.
Gift Option: A gift of $35 will provide one audio player that can bring the hope of the gospel to this vulnerable people group.
Ukraine and Belarus
Many people in Ukraine and Belarus still live far away from any church of fellowship. They desire encouragement and friendship. Now, Ukrainians are experiencing extreme crisis due to the ongoing conflict and mass refugee migration. TWR’s local partners are bravely continuing to produce programs for both young and old, offering hope in the uncertainty. Radios and other media are helping to reach those who need encouragement the most.
Gift Option: A gift of $40 will help share life-changing, hope-filled programs via radio and media players full of Christian content to the Ukrainian and Belarussian people.